
President: President of the Lugo Provincial Council

1. Representative of the Popular Provincial Group
2. Representative of the BNG Provincial Group
3. Representative of the Provincial Socialist Group
4. Representative of the A Pastoriza City Council
5. Representative of the Abadín City Council
6. Representative of the Alfoz City Council
7. Representative of the Baralla City Council
8. Representative of the Begonte City Council
9. Representative of the Castro de Rei City Council
10. Representative of the Castroverde City Council
11. Representative of the Cospeito City Council
12. Representative of the Friol City Council
13. Representative of the Guitiriz City Council
14. Representative of the Guntín City Council
15. Representative of the Láncara City Council
16. Representative of the Lugo City Council
17. Representative of the Meira City Council
18. Representative of the Mondoñedo City Council
19. Representative of the Muras City Council
20. Representative of the O Corgo City Council
21. Representative of the O Páramo City Council
22. Representative of the O Valadouro City Council
23. Representative of the Ourol City Council
24. Representative of the Outeiro de Rei City Council
25. Representative of the Pol City Council
26. Representative of the Rábade City Council
27. Representative of the Riotorto City Council
28. Representative of the Vilalba City Council
29. Representative of the Xermade City Council
30. Representative of the Association Revolta Natural
31. Representative of the Tecor de Caza Riotorto
32. Representative of the Environmental Association of Riotorto
33. Representative of the Galician Society of Natural History (SGHN)
34. Representative of the Group of Neighborhood Associations of Lugo (AGRUPALUGO)
35. Representative of the Association for the Ecological Defense of Galiza (ADEGA)
36. Representative of the Labrego Galego Union
37. Representative of the Joint-owners of commonly-owned forest land Amorín e Carqueixas
38. Representative of the Joint-owners of commonly-owned forest land Santo Estevo de Parga
39. Representative of the Joint-owners of commonly-owned forest land San Xulián de Roca
40. Representative of the Spanish association against cancer (Guitiriz Local Council).
41. Representative of the Cultural and Environmental Association of the Residents of San Xulián de Becín
42. Representative of the Arrincadeira Cultural Association of Riotorto
43. Representative of the Galician Territory Custody Association
44. Representative of the Cultural Association Friends of Castroverde Heritage
45. Representative of the Lucus Mycological Society
46. Representative of the Association of Comarcal Development Terra Cha
47. Representative of the Association of Rural Development Montes e Vales Orientais
48. Representative of the Association Espazo Agroecolóxico A Estruga
49. Representative of the Terras de Miranda Association
50. Representative of the Corripa Association
51. Representative of the Club Piragüismo Ciudad de Lugo Association
52. Representative of the Ponte de Areas Fishermen’s Association
53. Representative of the Galician Association of Artisan Food Operators
54. Representative of the Association of Rural women A Xuntanza
55. Representative of the Sports Fishing AssociationRío Ladra
56. Representative of the Cultural, Agricultural and Environmental Association Muíño de Barxa
57. Representative of the Association of Rural Women Alfinete
58. Representative of the Federación de Vecinos Lucus Augusti
59. Representative of the Association of Rural womenAsociación de Mulleres Rurais Olvido de Pol
60. Representative of the Galician Bat Association
61. Representative of the Cultural and Sporty Association Lecer de Gamelle
62. Representative of Provincial Association of Beekeepers of Lugo

63. Representative Asociación Cultural e Deportiva Fortaleza Sport
64. Representative of Nordic Walking Lugo Club
65. Representative of the Residents of San Cosme de Nete Association

This work was fully financed by the Next Generation funds of the European Union through the subsidy called by the Xunta de Galicia “Aid for actions by the management bodies of the biosphere reserves of Galicia under the Recovery Plan , Transformation and Resilience, financed by the European Union-NextGenerationEU, for the years 2022 and 2023.” However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission is responsible for them.